Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Has Been a Great Year

It's hard to believe that little Colin is already 2 weeks old!  The advice that we've heard the most from family and friends is how quickly the time goes by, and to cherish every minute...I can say that I'm already finding that to be so true!  Marshall and I are learning so much about our son, and I think he's learning a lot about us too.  We're amazed at how inquisitive he is about the world around him.  It's as if he's just taking it all in.  He loves looking outside, and has begun to study our faces and his surroundings much more closely.  He's most content after eating, and makes the cutest smiley and kissy faces!  We had a follow-up doctor's appointment this morning to check his weight, and I'm happy to report that Colin now weighs 7 pounds!  I'm such a proud mama :)  That also means that I no longer have to stress about waking him in the middle of the night to eat...he's been pretty good about letting us know when he's hungry or needs a diaper change anyway!  Since it is New Year's Eve, I've found myself reflecting quite a bit on this past year.  It's been a very big year for us, to say the least.  Here are some of the things that have made 2013 one of the best years of my life:
  • We bought and moved into our dream house at the end of January
  • We found out I was pregnant on April 16th!
  • Marshall began his new role at Premier in business/corporate development
  • Marshall graduated with his EMBA on May 3rd
  • We watched some of our best friends, Aubrey and Chris, get married in July
  • We got our new car, a Ford Explorer in August
  • I began a new role as a math teacher and kindergarten assistant at school, which I have loved
  • The Carolina Panthers made the playoffs!  It's been an exciting NFL football season (wish I could say the same about the Gators and the Boilers...)
  • Our sweet angel, Colin, was born on December 18th...he was the best Christmas gift we could ever have asked for!
  • Our family and friends have provided so much loving support throughout my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery.  We are forever grateful!
I know that 2014 will bring with it a multitude of new and wonderful experiences, as we watch our little boy grow, discover, and learn.  My New Year's resolution will be to savor every moment, and do my best to capture them all in video and photo!  Here are some cute moments from the past week.  Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!

Our sweet baby boy was born this past Wednesday, December 18th, 2013!  He made his debut a week early, just in time for Christmas...and we couldn't be more in love.  After feeling crampy all day Tuesday, which was a bit unusual for me, I woke several times during the night with sharp pains in my back.  I lost my mucus plug around 3am, and finally started to consider that this could really be it - after all, it was a full moon!  I called in to work to let them know I wasn't coming in that day to teach, mostly because I hardly slept the night before...I still wasn't convinced this could actually be labor, because I didn't realize that my contractions could be entirely in my back.  I also called my mom and Dave to tell them that they might want to drive up from Florida now, rather than waiting until the next day!  As the early morning progressed, my back pains became worse and Marshall decided to notify work he would not be coming in.  We packed up the car with all of our hospital bags and headed to the doctor's office down the street to be examined.  The doctor informed me that we needed to get to the hospital right away, as I was already dilated 3-4 cm, and was 100% effaced!  By the time we were checked in, Dr. Bohmer (the doctor on call, though not my primary doctor) determined that I was now 5-6 cm dilated.  My labor was progressing very quickly, but things got even more intense once the doctor broke my water.  It was after that that I decided I had had enough of the pain, and needed some rest - so the epidural was ordered, and brought much needed relief.  Another 2 hours passed, and when dilation hadn't progressed, so some Pitocin was added to the medication to move things along.  It started to wear off towards the end, as if I could feel that last bit of dilation to 10 cm.  Upon my last examination, the nurse announced it was time to start pushing!  Marshall and Erin were in the room with me, coaching and providing encouragement.  I was given a bit more medication, and felt more determined than ever to meet our beautiful baby!  After 40 minutes of pushing, and even a few laughs in between, Colin Mackey Rothwell was born at 4:50pm, weighing 6 lbs, 11 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches.  He had many visitors at the hospital, including Pop Pop Lee and Grandma Mary, Nani Lynne and Pop Pop Dave, Grandma Kimmie, and Papa John, Aunt Ginna and Uncle Blake, "Aunt" Aubrey and "Uncle" Chris, and "Aunt" Erin!  One of the biggest surprises was how much dark hair he has!  He also has deep gray/blue eyes, which may change color after a few months.  Colin is perfectly healthy and happy, and is already busy observing his new world.  He loves looking in the mirror, gazing outside, and making funny faces when he snoozes (even a little smile here and there!).  He took to breastfeeding quite easily, much to my relief!  We both have the hang of nursing now, and Colin is certainly one hungry boy!  He eats about every 2-3 hours, and goes through plenty of diapers each day - we're learning that we have to get his diapers changed quickly or else we get peed on!  I'm still adjusting to getting up so frequently throughout the night for feedings, but Colin is learning to fall right back to sleep after being rocked in his cozy chair.  My biggest challenge is learning to rest when the baby sleeps, and remembering that all other tasks can wait.  I'm extremely lucky to have my mom and Dave staying with us for a few weeks to help out with cooking, cleaning, and caring for baby.  Their help and support has been such a gift, and has been incredible in helping Marshall and I make this transition to a family of 3.  We are so blessed that our little miracle has finally arrived, and our prayers have been answered.  Colin immediately became the love of our lives, and we're so thrilled that he's finally here.  Here are some photos of his first week:

Monday, December 16, 2013

An Early Christmas Gift?

I was very eager to see my doctor today, and get some news on my latest progress.  It seems as though the uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful "practice" contractions I've been having over the last few days have helped the dilation process even more...I'm now 1-2 centimeters dilated!  The doctor could feel the baby's head during my exam, and said he has definitely dropped more since last time (that's a -1 pelvic station, for anyone who understands all this preggo jargon!).  Doc said that's good news, because some of the initial labor "work" is already taking place - hopefully that means that the real thing will go pretty smoothly and naturally.  Dr. Palermo is predicting that I'll go into labor sometime during this week, and maybe even this weekend!  Luckily, my last day of teaching is Friday, and Mom and Dave are driving up on Thursday.  Dad and Mary are just two hours away, and Marshall's parents live locally, so I'm hoping everyone will be present for the big arrival!  I'm crossing my fingers that I at least make it until this weekend...until then, I'll continue to waddle a bit slower and keep my feet up :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

38 Week Update

Today marks 38 weeks, and only 14 days left til my due date!  We had an appointment today with a different doctor from the practice, and the latest news is...there is no news :)  Not since last week, anyway.  This doctor reported that I'm still 80% effaced, and about 1/2 cm dilated...the same as what Dr. Palermo told me last Monday.  Marshall and I were both a little surprised, and expecting that I would have made some more progress since last time because I've definitely started feeling some practice contractions.  Saturday night, we were at a friend's birthday party, and I began to notice some sharp but fleeting twinges of low pain.  I figured I had just been standing too long, but they continued for a bit even after I sat down.  Over the next two days, I had more discomfort, but it was more of an overall crampy feeling.  I still have the sharp pains occasionally, but nothing has felt too intense or prolonged.  Seems as though it's just my body preparing itself for the real thing!  I've felt a bit better today and yesterday, but have noticed more pain and cramps in the evening hours.  The doctor told us that all of this is very normal, and I may not make any more progress until real labor begins.  She said everything else looks good though...a strong heartbeat and good measurements!  I guess our little guy will make his debut when he's good and ready :)  We'll see Dr. Palermo for our next appointment on Monday, so I'll post another update then.  Until then, maybe I'll go for a few extra walks this weekend! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Crafty Thanksgiving

We spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Dad and Mary in the mountains this year.  It was the perfect way to spend our last holiday together before the baby arrives.  On Wednesday, we got the all clear from the doctor (no new baby progress since last week!) and drove through snowy weather on the way to Seven Devils.  Marshall drove very carefully along the icy roads up to the house.  The storm had passed by Thursday, and we enjoyed the cold Thanksgiving morning by watching the Macy's Parade and doing some crafting!  Dad was very excited to show us the mini owl house he made for us to hang on the tree decal in the nursery.  It made the cutest night light when we added a flameless votive candle!  He also made a real owl nest box, in hopes that a barred owl family will move in and raise some babies in it this spring.  We read that once an owl chooses a home, it stays there for life - even it's offspring will return!  So Marshall's project was to build his own owl house to take back to Charlotte to hang in one of our many tall backyard trees.  We have already heard barred owls in our area, so we're really excited to see if any move in to our owl box!  Mary helped me make my own Christmas wreath using greens cut from the Christmas trees.  I added pinecones, spray-painted gold thistles, some red berries and cardinals from Michaels, and a red bow at the bottom.  It turned out to be really pretty!  We enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving meal, watched a lot of football, caught up on sleep, and did a little shopping at the Mast General Store.  When it was time to leave, we loaded up our mountain Christmas tree on top of the Explorer, and were excited to bring it home - our first real tree together in our new house.  We had a lovely weekend, and realized just how much we have to be thankful for.  We are truly blessed in so many ways!