Colin's very first Thanksgiving was filled with family, food, football, and fun. Grandma Kimmie and Grandpa John hosted this year, and we spent much of the holiday weekend with them, Jim and Sarah, Ginna and Blake, and Blake's stepdad, Mick. We all had a blast eating delicious Thanksgiving treats, playing games, going on walks, and relaxing on the couch. Marshall and I were even able to take Jim and Sarah to a few local breweries and show them around our town on Friday, while Grandma and Grandpa babysat our little turkey. Even though the 3 of us ended the weekend with a head cold, it was one of the best Thanksgiving weekends I've ever had. Probably because this year, we were able to spend it with the newest member of our family...and he is truly the thing I am most grateful for. Marshall and Colin make my life complete, and I am so very thankful for all the blessings in my life. I spent a lot of time reflecting on just how lucky I am, and wanted to share some of the things I am most grateful for this year. Here's just a few, in no particular order!
- Our sweet baby boy, Colin - I didn't know it was possible to love anything so much
- My amazing and loving husband, Marshall, who is the ultimate provider and my soul mate
- The opportunity to be a stay-at-home-mom, to watch Colin grow and learn, and to not miss a single moment!
- All of our basic necessities and more - the food we eat, the clothes on our back, and the roof over our head (and these things are well beyond the basics)
- Our house, the one that I dreamed of that fits our family perfectly in every way
- My health, and the health of my loved ones
- Marshall's job, which he loves and is so successful at, and the opportunities within it that lie ahead
- My family, both near and far, and the unconditional love and support they provide, as well as the examples they have set
- My friends, who make me laugh, listen when I need to talk, and bring joy to my life
- Our pets - Kai, Jack, and Phoebe - our first fur babies who always make me smile
- Being an American, and all of the freedoms that allows me
- My church, which has helped me to grow in spirituality and faith, and has enriched our lives as a family
- My education, which has shaped my life and taught me valuable life lessons
I'm sure there are many more that I can add to this list...and that thought alone truly humbles me. We want for nothing, and I'm so very thankful every single day for each blessing in my life. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am grateful for you!!!
Here are a few cute photos from our wonderful holiday weekend. Enjoy!
Colin was mesmerized by the Macy's Thanksgiving Day cute! |
Mommy's Little Turkey wanted some champagne from Aunt Ginna Bug |
A beautiful Thanksgiving table filled with yummy food prepared by the amazing Chef Kimmie! |
The boys helped clean up the Thanksgiving feast |
Jim, Sarah, Amy, and Marshall at NoDa Brewery |
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