Wednesday, September 25, 2013

T-Minus 3 Months

Today marks the official start of my 3rd due date is exactly 3 months from today!  I can't believe time has gone by this fast, and I know the last trimester will fly by as well.  I really feel ready and prepared, and more excited than you can imagine.  Apparently, only like 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that this baby comes on time, or a little early!  I'm betting that being due on Christmas Day will mean that the best doctors (including my own) will make their greatest efforts to be home with their families for the holiday.  I'm teaching right up until winter break, and the last day of school is December 20th.  I'm sure I'd be ready to go a few days early at that point too :)  But as long as he gets here before the end of 2013 (the last thing we need is to have to pay another deductible for the next calendar year!), then I'll be a happy mama.  Hopefully, doc is on board.  And maybe Baby will have the same birthday as Daddy (and Aubrey) on the 27th!  Add on another BT - but this time it would be for "Birthday Triplets!" Guess time will tell...


  1. Replies
    1. Oh sorry...Marshall and Aubrey always call each other BT - that's "birthday twin" since they're both born on 12/27 :)
